Rules and Regulation

  1. Registration : Any college student can participate.
  2. Mode : Max of 2 players per team can participate.
  3. Challenge format : Place the keys in their respective positions with a max of 15 tries . Final score will be based on the number of correct placings after 15 tries . In case If the scores are tied between two teams minimum time taken into account by the team to complete the task to determine winners.
  4. Time limit : Time limit will be max of 3 min for each team.
  5. Disqualification : Any misconduct will lead the team to be disqualified.

🕓 Time : 2:00 PM
🗓 Date : 24th April 2023
🏢 Venue : DC 502

PRIZES : Prizes worth 1.5k
*College ID is mandatory !

*Participants will be provided with